শনিবার, ১০ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Faculty and students participate in combined American ...

Many faculty and students from the Music Theory Department and the Musicology Department attended the combined conference of the American Musicological Society, Society for Ethnomusicology, and the Society for Music Theory (AMS/SEM/SMT), which was held in New Orleans on November 1?4, 2012.

Professor Roman Ivanovitch of the Music Theory Department was named the winner of the 2012 Marjorie Weston Emerson Award of the Mozart Society of America, for his article ?Mozart?s Art of Retransition,? which was published in the journal Music Analysis in 2011. The award, honoring the outstanding scholarly article on Mozart published in English during the years 2010?11, was presented at a meeting of the Mozart Society during the New Orleans conference.

Several faculty and students presented papers at the conference:

Representing the Music Theory Department:

Professor Kyle Adams presented ?A Preliminary Study of Articulation and Affect in Rap.?

Professor Frank Samarotto presented ?The Trope of Expectancy/Infinity in the Music of the Beatles and Others.?

Diego Cubero, Ph.D. student in music theory, presented ?The Fifth-Third-Root Paradigm and Its Prolongational Implications.?

Stephen Grazzini, Ph.D. candidate in music theory, presented ?Hearing Improvisation in the French Baroque Harpsichord Prelude.?

William Guerin, Ph.D. candidate in music theory, presented ?The Aesthetics of Fragility in Stylistic Signification: A ?Gnostic? Encounter with Beethoven?s ?Heiliger Dankgesang.??

John Reef, Ph.D. candidate in music theory, presented ?The Two F-Major Fugues from The Well-Tempered Clavier: Dance Subjects and Their Phrase-Rhythmic Implications.?

Two music theory faculty served as session chairs for SMT: Professor Julian Hook chaired a session titled ?Twentieth-Century Modernisms,? and Professor Marianne Kielian-Gilbert chaired a session on ?Rhythm and Dance.?

Three students participated in Graduate Student Workshops at the conference. Devin Chaloux, Ph.D. student in music theory, participated in the workshop ?A Corpus-Based Approach to Tonal Theory,? led by Ian Quinn of Yale University. Ruthie Chase, Ph.D. student in music theory, participated in the workshop ?Harmony and Voice Leading in Rock and Pop Music,? led by Professor Walter Everett of the University of Michigan. Sara Bakker, Ph.D. candidate in music theory, was unable to attend the conference due to hurricane-related travel problems, but joined Professor Everett?s workshop by video.

Professor Eric Isaacson serves as Treasurer of SMT, and Professor Gretchen Horlacher is a member of the society?s Executive Board.

Representing the Musicology Department:

Professor J. Peter Burkholder participated as a panelist on ?Charles Ives?s Fourth Symphony and the Past, Present, and Future of Ives Scholarship.?

Professor Judah Cohen served as a moderator at the combined meeting of the AMS Jewish Studies and Music Study Group and Society for Ethnomusicology Study Interest Group for Jewish Music.

Professor Halina Goldberg presented ?Nationalizing the Kujawiak and Constructions of Nostalgia in Chopin?s Mazurkas.?

Professor Lynn Hooker served as the chair at the Music and National Identities discussion.

Jonathan Yaeger, Ph.D. candidate in Musicology, presented ?The Challenges and Opportunities of the Stasi Archives.?

Travis Yaeger, Ph.D. candidate in Musicology, presented ?The Quaestiones in musica, Rudolph of St. Truiden, and the Medieval Classroom.?

At the conference, Laura Youens, IU Musicology alumna, was awarded the Palisca Award (best edition or translation) for:? Thomasii Crequillonis Opera omnia. Vol. 18: Cantiones Quatuor Vocum, and Vol. 20: Cantiones Trium, Sex, Septem, et Duodecim Vocum, Corpus mensurabilis musicae 63, American Institute of Musicology, 2011.

On the evening of Saturday, November 3rd a combined Indiana University reception was well attended by an estimated 250-300 faculty, students, alumni, prospective students, and friends of three IU departments: the Departments of Music Theory and Musicology in the Jacobs School of Music, and the Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Enjoy pictures from the reception

Source: http://blogs.music.indiana.edu/theory/2012/11/08/faculty-and-students-participate-in-combined-american-musicological-society-society-for-ethnomusicology-and-the-society-for-music-theory-conference/

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