বুধবার, ৬ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Washington Life Magazine Announces the 2013 Young and the Guest List!!

Very recently, Washington Life Magazine announced its candidates for the 2013 Young and the Guest List! DJ Neekola has been a proud nominee for the past three years, and 2013 is no different! That?s right, everybody ? DJ Neekola is once again an inspiring entrepreneur on this year?s YGL!

This is extremely exciting news! Washington Life Magazine takes all the exceptionally noteworthy DC socialites under 30 years of age and reduces their list to the top most influential players ? those really making a difference and leaving their mark in the city. This is one of the swankiest and most fabulous parties held annually in the city! It only makes sense that DJ Neekola would make the list?again. ;)

See you at the party!!


YGL 2013:?http://www.washingtonlife.com/digital2/?issue=130304151107-72de8038ce0f424a85548bfb62d3c9a8

2012 YGL coverage:?http://www.washingtonlife.com/ygl/

Short video clip from YGL 2012:?http://vimeo.com/56650054

Tags: 2013, best djs, best house djs, dc events, dj neekola, events in dc, house djs, house music djs, music, nightlife, washington dc, washington dc djs, washington dc events, washington dc nightlife, washington life magazine, YGL, YGL 2012, YGL 2013, Young and the Guest List

Source: http://djneekola.com/2013/03/05/washington-life-magazine-announces-the-2013-young-and-the-guest-list/

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