বৃহস্পতিবার, ৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩

The Trick To Disposing of Nuclear Waste Could Be Turning It Into Glass

The Trick To Disposing of Nuclear Waste Could Be Turning It Into Glass

Nuclear power is great, but the waste it creates is a problem. Best case scenario we can turn it into more power in the future, but for now we're stuck just stashing it away. But there's another way—a badass way—that's poised to make it easier and safer: nuclear glass.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/VRoJzlQFXfY/the-trick-to-disposing-of-nuclear-waste-could-be-turnin-1460118231
Category: Movember   Trick or Treat   Maria de Villota   Wrecking Ball   Iams Recall  

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