শনিবার, ২৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Attorney Writing and Marketing - The Crab Chronicles

I am very excited to announce that I have started a new small business called

The Write Rainmaker

Providing website copy, blogs, articles, newsletters, email blasts and more, for attorneys who want to increase their web presence and attract new clients.

I have been a paralegal since 1985, and I have a Master's degree in Creative Writing. I've been blogging for more than 7 years now, and I understand a good bit about SEO [Search Engine Optimization]. I've already been writing for several lawyers now, for a couple of years, but I am ready to expand my business.

I just launched a new blog devoted to The Write Rainmaker. Check it out!

So I've been working on some marketing materials for myself, and what I've got so far is below. I'm still working on a logo image.

What can I do?

Write weekly blog posts that will be picked up by search engines

Write and/or edit articles for the firm website

Write up case results for your website

Compose and manage email blasts to clients

Review your website and advise on ways to make the content more layman-friendly

Find speaking engagements for you so you can connect with possible clients.

Help you evaluate ways to make your website more appealing


Why lawyers need help with website marketing:

  1. The lawyers who stay busy are the ones who have websites picked up by Google searches, because that's how most people find lawyers now.
  2. Lawyers are in the business of practicing law, not writing for websites.?
  3. Most lawyers write like lawyers. They need someone who can understand legal lingo and convert it to simple, direct language for a layman.

Why use me?

  • 7 years as a blog writer and editor
  • 28 years experience as a paralegal
  • Master's degree in Creative Writing
  • My rates are cheaper than the companies who "specialize" in writing lawyer blogs and websites
  • I'm available to talk when it's convenient to you, not just 9-5
  • I don't require contracts or up-front payments
  • Impeccable references - you can talk to other lawyers who have used my services [for instance my friend James Radford]

I am still working on a Facebook page and new blog or website specifically for the The Write Rainmaker. In the meantime, if you know somebody who could use my services, please pass along a link to this page! Thanks!



Oh - and if you are not a lawyer but still would like me to help you write website materials or a blog, I am happy to discuss that with you!

Source: http://deescribbler.typepad.com/my_weblog/2013/01/attorney-writing-and-marketing.html

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