মঙ্গলবার, ২২ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

New Legal Structures for 'Social Entrepreneurs'

You may have noticed the emerging class of ?social entrepreneurs? who are creating companies that seek profit but also are devoted to a social purpose, to create long term, sustainable value.

Social entrepreneurs believe a business can be a part of the solution to some of the world?s greatest challenges. It?s this kind of thinking that has given rise to such mission-driven companies asBetter World Books,?TOMS Shoes,?D-Light Design?and?Warby Parker, to name a few.

But, until recently, social entrepreneurs would find themselves in the position of choosing whether to organize either as a for-profit company or a nonprofit organization. The problem was that sometimes a company would be too much of a business to be a nonprofit. Yet, it also might be too mission-driven to be a for-profit.

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Source: http://queencityforward.org/2013/01/new-legal-structures-for-social-entrepreneurs/

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