বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Speak Like a Winner: Public Speaking System to Make You Twice ...

Give Powerfully Persuasive Presentations and Speeches

Speak Like a Winner is a complete public speaking system for creating highly effective speeches. Based on rigorous study of the best public speakers in the world, this book shows you how to select your topic, tell powerful stories, and master your delivery. It contains proven techniques on how to design, develop and deliver powerfully persuasive presentations. It will shorten your learning curve, save yourself years of trial and error and frustration and teach you the blueprint for creating a winning presentation?


Discover How To:

  • Find your voice and select your message
  • Write and structure your speech for maximum impact
  • Develop your signature story for your keynote speeches.
  • Turn your stories into mental movies for your audience. Learn advanced storytelling skills to make your characters and your scenes come alive.
  • Instantly grab your audience?s attention with your opening
  • Package your expertise in an informational-speech (without boring your audience)
  • Close your speech with power
  • Use advanced rhetorical devices to spice up your speech
  • Use verbal and non-verbal communication to persuade your audience
  • Use advanced delivery techniques to breathe life into your presentations
  • Use your body language to convey confidence
  • Use the Tap and Transport technique to build a powerful connection with your audience
  • Make your audience a part of your presentation
  • Build a memorable Phrase that Pays
  • Build engaging speech transitions
  • Uncover organic humor hidden inside your stories.
  • Use the ?one-box-at-a-time? technique to build a winning speech

Learn from Four World-Class Speakers

Most public speaking books teach you speaking techniques but don?t give you examples of how to apply those techniques. I hate those books because they rob you of the opportunity to see the tools in practice, which is why this book contains sample speeches from four world-class professional speakers. In this book, you will:

  • Study a speech by Craig Valentine, the 1999 Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking. Discover twenty-nine specific techniques for creating compelling stories that keep your audience on the edge of their seats. Learn how to influence people through storytelling. [Chapter 2].
  • Analyze Darren LaCroix?s world-championship winning speech. Discover tools to add head, heart and humor to your presentations. Uncover the elements of a winning speech and learn how to give inspirational and motivational speeches that have your audience laughing while learning[Chapter 4].
  • Learn how to package your expertise in a powerful ?how-to? informational speech using Lisa Panarello?s speech as a model. Equip yourself with the tools you need to deliver clear, information-packed business presentations. If you?re a trainer, workshop-leader or someone who has to deliver informational speeches, Lisa?s speech will show you how to deliver effective informational speeches. [Chapter 6]
  • Study Jock Elliott?s winning speech from the 2011 Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking. Learn how to arouse your audience?s emotions using value-based language, how to use the stage masterfully and how to close your speech with impact. [Chapter 8]

Apart from containing model speeches and detailed analysis of each speech, each chapter contains Evaluation Exercises and Application Exercises to double your growth as a speaker in half the time.

The combination of world-class speeches, practical exercises and advanced public speaking techniques covered in this book make this a truly valuable resource. There is no other book like this on the market! Shorten your learning curve and learn the public speaking secrets most speakers never discover?

If you?re ready to invest in yourself and become a powerfully persuasive speaker ? the type of speaker other people pay and line up to see ? then scroll grab the Kindle version of the book by?clicking here

Source: http://communicationskillstips.com/speak-like-a-winner-public-speaking-system-to-make-you-twice-the-speaker-in-half-the-time/

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