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Spray-paint artist performs in Market Square | SeacoastOnline.com

Spray-paint artist performs in Market Square | SeacoastOnline.com

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Former 'gutter punk' trying to turn life around

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Artist Bud Jones uses spray paint to create a lunar landscape, a view he says is seen by looking outside a cave. Jones painted in Market Square on a beautiful Monday afternoon, amazing passersby with his technique and honest communication.Deb Cram/dcram@seacoastonline.com

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PORTSMOUTH ? As if by magic, an image appeared under layers of spray paint on a cardboard canvas. First a moon in the sky, then jagged mountains at the horizon, then a blue-black lake and finally a three-masted schooner could be seen under the deft hands of artist Bud Jones.

He worked this magic while a group of fascinated people gathered around him on a cloudless, unseasonably warm Monday afternoon in Market Square. The murmurs were audible as each part of the painting emerged.

Part artist, part performer, Jones was clearly comfortable, conversing easily with the crowd. His punk style, leather jacket, bleached blonde hair and tattoos belied a soft-spoken man with an easy smile and a polite demeanor.

But his eyes tell a story of the hard life the 34-year-old has lived. Until very recently, Jones called himself a ?gutter punk.? Riding the rails for the past 19 years, Jones said he's landed in city after city from Mexico to Alaska, more often than not a bottle of alcohol in his hands and the ground for his bed.

Over the years, he said, he's been arrested for ?busting squats? ? breaking into abandoned homes in the winter to get out of the cold ? drug possession, and possession of alcohol.

?I always had my art, though,? he said.

Years ago, he said, he learned how to create spray-paint artwork by Mexico City artist Hugo Montero, who according to his Web site has coined the phrase ?Can Gogh? to describe his work.

?I learned so much from him,? said Jones, who described himself as an apprentice.

An artist ?since I can remember,? he now added the spray-paint art to his repertoire.

But life on the road has been wearing, he said, homeless, sleeping on the ground, being arrested or taunted. He arrived in Portsmouth two months ago, and lives at Cross Roads House these days.

He said he loves Portsmouth, ?a true arts community,? and hopes to be able to stay. ?I'm sick of living on the streets,? he said.

But he said he knew that if he was going to call the city his home, his behavior had to change. So six weeks ago, he quit drinking, and began to clean up his act. ?I go to AA every day. My sponsor is amazing,? he said.

Jones will be back to Market Square, weather permitting, spray paints in hand. He said he wants to make something of his life now.

?I know I'm destined for something. Maybe I'll find it here,? he said.

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1 of 10 Premium Clicks used this month

Former 'gutter punk' trying to turn life around

Today's most viewed articles

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Artist Bud Jones uses spray paint to create a lunar landscape, a view he says is seen by looking outside a cave. Jones painted in Market Square on a beautiful Monday afternoon, amazing passersby with his technique and honest communication.Deb Cram/dcram@seacoastonline.com

"; aryZooms[imgCounter] = "javascript: NewWindow(870,625,window.document.location+zTemplate+'&img="+imgCounter+"')"; var ap = /AP/.test("Deb Cram/dcram@seacoastonline.com"); var courtesy = /COURTESY/.test("DEB CRAM/DCRAM@SEACOASTONLINE.COM"); var nfs = /NFS/.test("DEB CRAM/DCRAM@SEACOASTONLINE.COM"); if (ap==true || courtesy==true || nfs==true || "Deb Cram/dcram@seacoastonline.com"==""){ document.getElementById('purchasePhoto').style.display = "none"; } bolImages=true;

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Deborah McDermott

January 14, 2013 6:38 PM

"; aryZooms[imgCounter] = "javascript: NewWindow(870,625,window.document.location+zTemplate+'&img="+imgCounter+"')";

PORTSMOUTH ? As if by magic, an image appeared under layers of spray paint on a cardboard canvas. First a moon in the sky, then jagged mountains at the horizon, then a blue-black lake and finally a three-masted schooner could be seen under the deft hands of artist Bud Jones.

He worked this magic while a group of fascinated people gathered around him on a cloudless, unseasonably warm Monday afternoon in Market Square. The murmurs were audible as each part of the painting emerged.

Part artist, part performer, Jones was clearly comfortable, conversing easily with the crowd. His punk style, leather jacket, bleached blonde hair and tattoos belied a soft-spoken man with an easy smile and a polite demeanor.

But his eyes tell a story of the hard life the 34-year-old has lived. Until very recently, Jones called himself a ?gutter punk.? Riding the rails for the past 19 years, Jones said he's landed in city after city from Mexico to Alaska, more often than not a bottle of alcohol in his hands and the ground for his bed.

Over the years, he said, he's been arrested for ?busting squats? ? breaking into abandoned homes in the winter to get out of the cold ? drug possession, and possession of alcohol.

?I always had my art, though,? he said.

Years ago, he said, he learned how to create spray-paint artwork by Mexico City artist Hugo Montero, who according to his Web site has coined the phrase ?Can Gogh? to describe his work.

?I learned so much from him,? said Jones, who described himself as an apprentice.

An artist ?since I can remember,? he now added the spray-paint art to his repertoire.

But life on the road has been wearing, he said, homeless, sleeping on the ground, being arrested or taunted. He arrived in Portsmouth two months ago, and lives at Cross Roads House these days.

He said he loves Portsmouth, ?a true arts community,? and hopes to be able to stay. ?I'm sick of living on the streets,? he said.

But he said he knew that if he was going to call the city his home, his behavior had to change. So six weeks ago, he quit drinking, and began to clean up his act. ?I go to AA every day. My sponsor is amazing,? he said.

Jones will be back to Market Square, weather permitting, spray paints in hand. He said he wants to make something of his life now.

?I know I'm destined for something. Maybe I'll find it here,? he said.

HOMEWe reserve the right to remove any content at any time from this Community, including without limitation if it violates the Community Rules. We ask that you report content that you in good faith believe violates the above rules by clicking the Flag link next to the offending comment or fill out this form. New comments are only accepted for two weeks from the date of publication.
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Source: http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20130114-NEWS-130119860

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